Education as point of issue.
The future is always around us today in the sense that we have to plan for the future starting from today. As we enter the year 2020, our priority shouldn't be just how the upcoming year should be but on how the years after that will be. As an adage says "whoever fails to plan is planning to fail". The only way we can make sure tomorrow (future) can be a success is when we plan extensively ahead and one sure way is EDUCATION.
Education here doesn't necessarily mean going back to school and enrolling for a course though this article is not ridiculing schooling as it is very necessary to prevent illiteracy. Learning for a viable mind should be a daily thing as a mind that stops learning starts dying. The future belongs to those that develop their minds by learning something.
For so many, setting the vision 2020 was just a mouth affair without planning and working towards it accurately. Many are accustomed to doing the same thing the same way time over time and expecting different results. This should be a time to reflect and plan better, you can start by learning better and thriving ways of doing those things as most things have been technologized and learning to move with the tides of time is essential for a better life.
Let's look at some ways you can effect the attitude of learning something creative daily.
- Humility: the first on the list is being humble. Humility is a trait that will make you learn what others pay so much to know. Being humble makes others open to you without fear thus improving your IQ. You get to learn from older and younger ones and people from all works of life.
- Read a lot : Like someone once told me that no knowledge is wasted. You should always be interested in reading topics on various subjects as it will increase your diversity and broaden your knowledge base. You will always find informations that will open your thinking skills.
- Research: I'm not saying you should turn to a full time researcher. What I'm saying is that make a lot of enquiries. Technology has made it easier for us via search engines at our disposal. Ask constructive questions from Google instead of just wasting data on IG or other social media platforms. Go through journals, read about history and so much interesting topics that will add decent value to your existence.
- Follow up on world events: news is a major means of knowing a lot of things. As you can't be everywhere yourself at the same time to see things for yourself, news medias are a good things to follow up with cos of their constant updates of events around the world and getting yourself updated everytime.
If you could make this simple steps a daily routine in your life, you will surely notice that your life will have a more decent direction and ahead of your game.
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