November 03, 2019

Rccg November 2019 Holy Ghost Service Theme: Swimming In Glory 8; A Taste of Water


November 2019 Holy Ghost Service
Theme: Swimming In Glory 8;
 A Taste of Water
Bible Text: Job 14:7-9
Preacher: Pastor E. A. Adeboye



Water is symbolically referring to three principal things:
1. Good news. Genesis 45:17-28
2. Anointing. 2Kings 13:20-21
3. Divine Touch. Psalm 138:7

It doesn't matter what the situation is, there's still Hope for you.
Proverbs 13:12. Don't write yourself off!
It is not over until God says it's over. Ecclesiastes 9:4.
There’s good news for you, based on the word of God that is forever settled.
Isaiah 3:10 - It will be well with you.
Isaiah 54:15-17 - No weapon fashioned against you shall prosper
Isaiah 43:1-2 - I shall be with you.
Wherever Jesus is, there's anointing. Matthew 18:19
There's anointing here tonight to destroy all your problems, even doubt. 2 Chronicles 20:20
Whether God touches you or you touch God,the same result is achieved.
God is the Consuming Fire, the same result is achieved whether we touch Him or He touches us.

We can touch God through FAITH! Mark 5:25-34 Matthew 8:5-13
You can touch God by
1. Faith
2. Worshipping Him
3. By prayer
4. By a shout of praise.
God is the Controller of times and seasons.
For everything in life, God has a time table. Ecclesiastes 3:1

When you think God is too late, He's waiting for your own set time. Psalms 102:13

When God says it will be well with you, He will provide everything to be well with you.
He will make it possible!

Prayer Points
1. Praise Him like never before, Praise Him till you feel you have touched Him.

2. Father, please give me the water of Life to Drink.

3. Father, Let hope rise again in my heart.

4. Father, I Know you can do all things, Please hasten the fulfillment of your promises for me.

5. Father, before the year ends, Change my stories to Glory.

6. Personal Prayer Request.



A Music Lover, Gospel Singer - Songwriter, Chef, currently studying Business Administration at the University of Lagos. Follow and like us on social media